The Sanity of Madness (Video)
— September 28, 2016“There’s so much pressure on us to be always rational, calm and sensible: it’s time also to say a word about the essential normality of a little madness.” By The School of Life
Continue Reading ...“There’s so much pressure on us to be always rational, calm and sensible: it’s time also to say a word about the essential normality of a little madness.” By The School of Life
Continue Reading ...Rubikonova kocka … Pretpostavke? Genijalno!
Continue Reading ...Spencer Cathcart made this amazing documentary about the world he sees around him. He is young and passionate and sees things as they are. His documentary is published on 27. of january and has already been seen by more than million people and is translated to many languages. I thank Spencer for bringing these pictures […]
Continue Reading ...Chemtrails the secret war “ This documentary is dedicated to everyone who wants to fight for truth and life on planet Earth. Let’s stand up and defend our rights ! ” Antonio and Rosario Marciano… Antonio and Rosario Marciano administrators of the Italian website TANKER ENEMY produced the film : “ Chemtrails the […]
Continue Reading ...Always inspiring thoughts from philosopher Alan Watts:
Continue Reading ...“Thrive” je nekonvencionalni dokumentarni film koji pokušava da razjasni šta se dešava u svijetu prateći novac i na tom putu otkrivajući kako su moć i manipulacija mišljenjem protkani kroz sve aspekte ljudskog života. Film je objavljen u novembru 2011 godine i do sada ga je pogledalo više od osam miliona ljudi. (YouTube) Film je napravio […]
Continue Reading ...Cute animation presenting three simple tips for boosting your confidence. Practice, never give up and make a stand.
Continue Reading ...Source: Data released by the anti-poverty charity Oxfam suggests that the world’s wealthiest 80 people are on track to own more than the poorer half of the world’s population (some 3.5 billion) by 2016. That’s not a reflection of a glitch in our economic system, says David Harvey, professor at the City University of […]
Continue Reading ...Once upon a time there was this amazing land, placed on mountainous Balkan Peninsula, called Yugoslavia, built on ideas of brotherhood, equality and sharing. I grew up there living together side by side with many cultures and religions. I had wonderful childhood.
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
Martin Niemöller
"Let me not prey to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them."
Source: Vigilantcitizen Programming Through Mass Media Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet.