A Time for Letting Go
— July 20, 2015Source: zengardner.com I love the expression, “What if they had a war and nobody came?” I feel the same about the matrix and the awakening. What if the matrix had nowhere to manifest? Our idea of self is contrived. It’s broadcast at us from birth and reinforced by the world around us. It’s on this […]
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The Matrix Program is Crashing
— February 14, 2015Source: Zen Gardner It is. It’s outdated programming and the engineers of deceit can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities. You know how your phone or computer’s software goes out of date, and new programs can’t operate? It’s the same thing. The imitators of creation can’t maintain a current operating system any longer […]
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How The Elite Stay In Power
— January 1, 2015This video breaks down in simple terms the only way “those in power” can stay in power. It’s not as complex at it may seem. They need us more than we need them.
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Whole Brain Thinking
— December 26, 2014by Owen K Waters spiritualdynamics.net Do we still have unimaginable potential just waiting to be unlocked? When you examine the functioning of the human brain, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” The human brain includes right and left hemispheres. These operate in different contexts as they perform different functions. In most people, the left […]
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Mind control
— September 14, 2014Mind Control: It’s All Around You! Mind Control. It’s easier than you think! Anybody can do it. Don’t believe me? You don’t think everybody has the power to control hundreds, thousands, even millions of other people’s minds? Then watch this little experiment we’re about to make: I shall now control your mind! Yes; wherever in […]
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Shaken by Doubt?
— September 5, 2014“We are living in an incredible time. As the global ego dies, it lashes out like a dragon in its death throes. People are crying out for help everywhere, the war is on, and the call to service and sacrifice is strong. What do we do and how do we respond? I would say […]
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How Does A Young Person That Grew Up With Internet Sees The World?
— February 20, 2015Spencer Cathcart made this amazing documentary about the world he sees around him. He is young and passionate and sees things as they are. His documentary is published on 27. of january and has already been seen by more than million people and is translated to many languages. I thank Spencer for bringing these pictures […]
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A Thought For The Day – Are We Entering An Era Of Shattered Illusions?
— January 9, 2015Powerful words and beautiful video! Read the article here>>>
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The Century of Deceit – Revealing the Abuse of Psychology in Promoting Consumerism
— November 10, 2014By Nataša Many people today are not even close to being aware of the scope of use of psychological knowledge by promoters of consumerist societies to inspire us to buy products we don’t need, to do certain things and to have certain opinions. Psychology has been purposely used and abused by corporations and politicians to […]
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You are amazing!
— September 13, 2014You are amazing! You are amazing and don’t let anyone tell you something different, not even your mind! You are reading this because you are a seeker, you are this wonderful curious being that wants to know about the world. Most of our questions arise out of not being completely satisfied with what we […]
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The Stanford Prison Experiment
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Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

Source: Vigilantcitizen Programming Through Mass Media Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet.